Dr. Robin Bruck – The power of UAC accountability groups and what it was like to spend a year with Ted Carrick

Stefanie Rodsater:

Hey Robin, welcome to the UAC Hot Seat, and thank you so much for joining us today. This podcast is all about getting to know our members. So, I’m so happy that you’re here. We’re talking with Robin Bruck and if you’ll just tell us a little bit about where you’re at and what you’re up to these days.

Robin Bruck:

Oh my gosh. Well, I’m in New England, specifically New Hampshire.

Stefanie Rodsater:


Robin Bruck:

And I came here when I graduated from Chiropractic College from Davenport, Iowa.

Stefanie Rodsater:


Robin Bruck:

I did my internship with Ted Carrick.

Lynne Mouw:

Oh. Oh wow. Fantastic.

Robin Bruck:

Yeah. I got to spend a year with him. He was actually in Epsom, New Hampshire and people from all over the world was coming to see him. And so, I got a… I was right by his side for a year. It was remarkable. Yeah.

Lynne Mouw:

That’s impressive. What’s the one thing that impressed upon you from your time working with him?

Robin Bruck:

He was constantly teaching and quizzing me on neurology. Because I was in his first diplomat program. So, we were doing EMGs, NDCs. I mean, imagine everything you could… If you’re working with Ted, it’s just constant learning. And he was just like a dad to me. He was just super kind, super sweet. We would work after hours, bring the locals in that he was trying to help. It was just remarkable. His clinic was… Had a pool, it had every testing device you could imagine. So, it was really incredible.

Stefanie Rodsater:

What was the coolest thing you saw working with him? Is there something that is etched in your brain that you’re like, “Wow. That was amazing.”

Robin Bruck:

Well, he just… He taught this… He had some cool techniques. So, he really had… He was really into doing a standing rib adjustment.

Lynne Mouw:

Oh wow. I’ve never heard of that.

Robin Bruck:

And he just… So, I learned all these adjusting techniques from him. So, I got really good at adjusting because of him. because he was all about it. He was a very aggressive adjuster. And when you’re a new doc you’re nervous. So, it’s like my technique got really good, really fast.

Lynne Mouw:

Oh. That’s awesome. Well, there’s a great family connection with you in the UAC. Your beautiful sister, Jenny has been a member for several years. And you have been with us since Miami, I believe of last of…

Robin Bruck:


Lynne Mouw:

We’d just love to know, what are you most excited about right now? What are some things that are coming up for you when you think about your future and where your practice is headed?

Robin Bruck:

I’m in one of those cool experiences where I’ve been practicing for 33 years. And I’m just in the process of buying out my partner in the practice. So, taking over the entire practice. So, it’s like a whole rebirth and doing things completely differently. I’m having four-hour-meetings with the staff four days a week on, just redesign the practice, changing everything right now. And they are just all into it, which makes it really great. So, my team is super remarkable. I’ve got three doctors right now and I’m going to be working on a fourth doctor. So, we’re in really big growth mode. And it’s just so exciting through the ebbs and flows of being in practice that at this point in my life, I’m just so into it. We’re like, we’re rocking. It’s so exciting.

Stefanie Rodsater:

What other things are you focused on?

Robin Bruck:

Right now, we’re… One of the big things… Just in our recent meeting, we are transferring every paper document to online. So, we’re getting rid of paper. So, we’re scanning all files and uploading them, which is huge for our practice because we have… It’s been a long-term practice, so we’re getting rid of paper.

Stefanie Rodsater:

Wow. Whoo.

Robin Bruck:

Just big, big, big. So, we’re super psyched about that. And then just having really strong meetings with all the doctors that get them thriving in the kind of practice that best suits them, because when you’re young, no one sits down with you and just says, “What kind of practice do you want?”

Stefanie Rodsater:


Robin Bruck:

What ages do you like to work with? How many patients do you want to see? How long do you want to spend with patients? And helping them really cultivate their perfect practice. So, I’m having a blast working with the doctors on that and then working with them as a team, so they all collaborate together and not feel like they’re in competition with each other. So that’s been super exciting.

Lynne Mouw:

I love that. My ears always perk up when I hear people say, “My team is all in.” So that doesn’t happen by accident. And you just touched on a few things, but can you add to that? How do you create that sense of team? How do you draw out that level of commitment with them on those… On that daily basis?

Robin Bruck:

I did some things through the back door. I started off in May, I became the new patient doctor, which I stepped back, and I started to do the behind-the-scenes work. So, I was able to watch everything from the behind the scenes. And I told my team, once a week, “I’m bringing breakfast in for you.” So, Wednesday mornings I brought a full spread of breakfast, which got them really pumped about feeling nourished and that family sit down eating together. So, I was constantly doing things to really felt that they were supported. And now we are it… We are literally unstoppable right now. It’s so [laughter] Exciting. It’s like you can’t believe it. [laughter] The support is incredible. And so, it’s like, whatever I say that visionary, they’re following and leading and working as a team and the meetings are so inspiring.

Lynne Mouw:

That is so great. Yeah. Just meeting those basic needs for connections.

Robin Bruck:

It’s basic need.

Lynne Mouw:

And then they feel the need to reciprocate it’s the law of reciprocity. I love it.

Stefanie Rodsater:

Robin, with that transition, I know a lot of us have partners in our practices and where did that… Like you said, you’re buying them out. How did that come about and how has that transition gone for you so far? Will you give us a little bit of background on that? because it’s always really insightful to get to see what that transition looks like.

Robin Bruck:

Yeah. It was a over a couple month process. So, I was married and went through divorce. So, my husband and I practiced together for 32 years.

Robin Bruck:

And it was kind of a… It was time for us to part ways and we did it really lovingly and kind. And we had a big celebration of him retiring in August. He was… He had practiced for 39 years.

Stefanie Rodsater:


Robin Bruck:

And so, the whole team collaborated. We were all in on it and it was a really graceful, beautiful time. And his daughter, my stepdaughter still works with me. So, she took on most of his patients. So, she’s insanely busy now and I’m just helping hold her up in the process, which is a huge honor for my husband who was to just watch her take that on. It couldn’t be more beautiful.

Stefanie Rodsater:


Lynne Mouw:

That just speaks to who you are, both of you really, for you guys to be able to navigate through that, in that way. That’s beautiful.

Robin Bruck:

Thank you.

Lynne Mouw:

I would love for you to touch on this, you have a nonprofit, do you not?

Robin Bruck:

Correct. Yes.

Lynne Mouw:

I would love for you to tell us about that. Touch on what that’s accomplishing for you for your patients.

Robin Bruck:

Yeah. So back in 2010, I started teaching a course called Identity, which is successful living through self-trust. So, it’s a 20-hour-course that kind of… It’s like the handbook to life you didn’t get. It’s how your body, mind and spirit work together. And I…

Stefanie Rodsater:

Right. Or who was like… Who would you teach it to, typically.

Robin Bruck:

It’s… I teach it a lot to patients. It’s… And kids. Kids, teens, and adults. So, like it’s like a self-development course that helps you build self-worth, competence, emotional and mental resiliency.

Stefanie Rodsater:


Robin Bruck:

So, I would incorporate it in the care plan. We teach it in schools. I have a lot of patients who have given me a lot of resources in the community to share it with. It’s a huge part of the practice. And it was one of those pieces where I’m like, I did a lot of… I taught nutritional counseling and cleansing for like 15 years because it got to a point where I’m like, “How come just the adjustment’s not working? So, I’m going to try… ” I dove into nutrition and cleansing. And then I came across the self-development work and I’m like, “Ahh. So now I’m getting the full picture.” So, if I can help them develop that… Owning who they are, that emotional resiliency, then the body works well, then they put the good nutrition to themselves. So now I’ve created kind of like this whole plan to help the whole being function well. So, it’s…

Lynne Mouw:

I love that. It’s like…

Stefanie Rodsater:

I love it.

Lynne Mouw:

Getting at the subluxation between the ears. Right? So, to speak.

Robin Bruck:

Yes. Exactly.

Stefanie Rodsater: That’s actually really good.

Lynne Mouw:

So, in the UAC, you’ve been a member for a year and a half, almost two. And we have some core values. So, we’ve got a core value of inside information, core value of accountability, connection, inspiration, and our pillars are family, fun and entrepreneurialship. So out of those words, which one jumps out the most to you? Which one are you most resonating with right now? And tell us how you’re applying that.

Robin Bruck:

Well, I can tell you… I mean, in this exact moment, I just had my accountability group meeting this morning and my group is so inspiring. They keep me accountable. I’m so grateful for them. We are changing each other’s lives. The ideas and the inspiration and the accountability have been huge for me. I’m up at… I get to the office here at 6:30 in the morning to start that meeting and I’m so… I can’t believe that I have not done this my entire life. I mean 33 years in practice and not had an accountability group. So, I can tell you that’s made the hugest difference for me. And then just when we go to these, our conferences, just getting to know all of you guys. You guys are rock stars. It’s so empowering and impressive to be around all of you guys. It’s just creates this incredible natural growth in me just being around you. So, thank you.

Stefanie Rodsater:

Thank you. You’re inspiring that in us too. It’s just… It’s so awesome to have that. I know my accountability call is always on Tuesday too, and it’s just amazing…

Lynne Mouw:

Same [chuckle]

Stefanie Rodsater:

Yeah. Become a part of each other’s lives and how much of like an impact every… That you get to know each other so well, like how high that can take you. And I think that’s just so awesome. So, I’m glad you’re getting that connection. Are you able to connect with him at some of the events?

Robin Bruck:

Yes. We always hang out together when we’re at the events and with my sister being in you guys’ group, I always travel with her so then we get sister time, which has been really great.

Lynne Mouw:

Right. I love that. Yeah. And many of us find time with our husbands on those trips and time with, of course, family time with… When we bring our kids along. I know you’ve had your daughter…

Robin Bruck:

Yeah. My daughter Sydney who’s…

Lynne Mouw:

Yeah. Is she going to be a…


Robin Bruck:

She a loved her time when we were in New Mexico. Yeah. So please, please invite Sydney to be more involved because she’s just a natural with leadership.

Lynne Mouw:

I love getting to pour into those kids at that age of transition. So, Steph, do you have a question for Robin to close us out today?

Stefanie Rodsater:

Yeah. So, we’ve got Phoenix coming up. Are we going to get to see Sydney in Phoenix?

Robin Bruck:

You are going to and I’m going to be in the Shark Tank for my nonprofit.

Lynne Mouw:

Wonderful. That’s so exciting. That’s fantastic.

Stefanie Rodsater:

Learn even more. That’s awesome. But what’s inspired you to go that way with the Shark Tank?

Robin Bruck:

Well, I can tell you I’m going to have a big business plan for everybody and Sydney’s going to be speaking at it. I’m bringing some of my board members. I’m super pumped about it. Timing for me to do this with you guys is perfect.

Lynne Mouw:

Oh. That’s so great. Yeah. It’s really… It’s such a win-win. Right?

Robin Bruck:

Yes. Yes.

Lynne Mouw:

Because when the idea is right and the people are there to execute on it, and then…

Robin Bruck:


Lynne Mouw:

What UAC brings is some of the guidance and then the financial piece that many of us need in these, in these businesses that we’re creating. So, fantastic. Looking forward to that.


Robin Bruck:

Thank you.

Lynne Mouw:

If you have not booked your… If you’re listening and you have not booked your room for Phoenix, it is February 17th and 18th, 2023. And Christa would greatly appreciate that if you would go to our website or on social media, you can find the link to the event in our profile and reserve your room because that room block will sell out. So, make her life easy. We all love Christa. And do her favor and do that. ASAP.

Stefanie Rodsater:

Robin, thank you so much. Just to close out, will you just talk a little bit about your superpower? What do you bring to that UAC room that we can come and get from you?

Robin Bruck:

I feel like I am a really great organizational leadership, strategic planning visionary, leading the team to become leaders and helping them understand their talent. So when they’re given a project to work on, they have ownership and they feel that self-worth to get it accomplished. So, sharing all that with you guys will be pretty empowering. I’m looking forward to Arizona in a couple months.

Stefanie Rodsater:

I can’t wait to see you in Shark Tank.

Lynne Mouw:

I cannot wait.

Stefanie Rodsater:

I know. I’m so psyched [chuckle]

Lynne Mouw:

Thank you so much for being here, Robin and sharing your beauty and your wisdom, and we’re excited to see more of you in Phoenix.

Robin Bruck:

Okay. Awesome. I’ll see you guys then. Thank you for inviting me.

Stefanie Rodsater: You’re welcome. Bye.

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